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Download Guide: Setting Up a Sharing Offer

Step-by-step Guide to Getting a Shared Mobility Offer on the Road

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Launching your own shared mobility service requires knowledge of the market and target groups, mature ideas, detailed planning, a bit of courage and a good dose of passion. 

To help you think of everything and lay the foundation for a successful offer in the initial phase, our guide gives you an overview of all the important topics and decision areas. You will find information about the market, examples and practical tips.

Why do we know what we are writing about? Because MOQO has more than a decade of experience in the mobility industry and, through close cooperation with our customers, we know what the most important levers, the unexpected problem children and the biggest time robbers are for sharing providers.

What to expect:

1) What matters in the beginning.

At the beginning, it's not just about analyzing the market and target groups. But also about defining your personal why, your vision and your goals. 

2) How to develop your strategy.

Once the goals are set, the question remains: How do you achieve them? To do this, you need a strategy and an individual business model. 

3) Notes on framework conditions and financing.

This is also part of building a shared mobility service: Dealing with local laws, insurance and financing options.  

4) Which options you have in the design of your offer.

Every sharing offer is different - and that's a good thing. Design yours according to the needs of your target group - in terms of rates, parking spaces, fleet, software and your brand.

And besides: 

+ Ideas for your launch
+ Fundamental success factors

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