In mid-May, the MOQO Summit 2024 took place in Aachen, a meeting of shared mobility operators, service providers and mobility experts from Europe, Australia and the USA. In the setting of the Digital Church, this 1.5-day event became a hub for ideas and innovation with the common mission of moving shared mobility forward.
As a MOQO partner, you can find a detailed documentation of the event in the Academy.
The best ideas often arise when people from different backgrounds come together. This was also the case at this industry meeting: Inspiring presentations, interactive workshops and plenty of time and space for networking were all under the motto of growing together.You make vehicles exclusively available to them and take on defined services. In return, you receive a fixed fee.
The summit provided a platform for in-depth conversations and discussions around technological insights, operational strategies and visions of what the mobility of the future could look like. A summary of the key topics and insights can be found in this blog article.
The Summit in numbers
1.5 days
7 talks
11 workshops
100+ participants
Numerous new contacts
Countless insights
The Summit in words
"It was a pleasure to meet all these dedicated and enthusiastic people, who work everyday on changing mobility for all others to a more sustainable and flexible service."
"Great talks, discussions and workshops on how to grow and optimize shared mobility in all aspects."
"Inspiring 2 days at MOQO Summit 2024 – not just because it's taking place in a former church. [...] Many interesting workshops, presentations and inspiring exchanges with mobility experts, car sharers and service providers make it a fantastic event."
What was the MOQO Summit 2024 about?
Together we grow! Growth doesn't just mean expanding into new markets or increasing the size of your fleet. Growth also means becoming more stable and gaining more clarity.
A stable foundation
We analyzed configurations, themes and functions and looked for ways to further develop and improve them to ensure quality and user satisfaction.
New possibilities
At the same time, we have explored new horizons: Sharing insights and best practices helps to create new structures, connections and business options.
The MOQO Summit gave participants the opportunity to:
Learn: Gaining insights and actionable knowledge from networking sessions, keynotes and workshops. Understanding the sharing platform and its functions even better.
Network: Making valuable contacts with like-minded shared mobility providers, industry experts, thought leaders and the MOQO team.
Impact: Shaping the future of shared mobility and the MOQO platform.

Learning from each other through talks
Seven talks by sharing providers, market experts and MOQO itself offered new perspectives and insights.

Dr. Anna Mayerthaler, ÖBB
Shared Mobility powered by ÖBB - what it needs to offer a service users love
Dr. Anna Mayerthaler is pursuing the vision of a connected and sustainable mobility, with the specific aim of bridging the first and last mile for rail passengers in Austria. By integrating sharing offers together with on-demand services on the wegfinder platform, she links services and providers under the ÖBB umbrella brand. To this end, the focus of the collaboration with MOQO is on developing an attractive bikesharing offer for employees, but also for tourists and citizens. At the summit, she talked about challenges and opportunities in implementation and her assessment of the market in general.

Dan Jamison, Popcar
A success story from Down Under
Popcar is on a mission to change the way that Australia is mobile. To achieve this, the operator offers its carsharing services in several locations on Australia's east coast, with a focus on Sydney.
Would you know what the Australian mobility market is like? How do Australians relate to shared mobility services? And how does Popcar manage to continuously grow its business? Dan Jamison, Locations & Business Coordinator, answered these questions and more at the MOQO Summit.

Frieder Bechtel, FLOYT
Integrating carsharing in rental car portals - What’s in it for operators?
What happens when a carsharing provider decides to integrate its vehicles on a large, well-known car rental portal? What is the difference compared to local MaaS platforms? How does the move change the operational business? FLOYT reported on specific examples and the effects on the carsharer. The operator of the portal also gave an insight into its plans for the coming years.

Manuele Fragnito, Mobility
Rethinking software and process architecture
Manuele Fragnito is a digitalization and shared mobility expert at Mobility, one of the most successful sharing organizations in the world. He has an inspiring vision for a future-oriented, scalable and robust sharing company architecture in terms of processes and software. In his presentation at the MOQO Summit 2024, Manuele shared insights and helped other providers to critically scrutinize their own set-up.

Michael Minis, MOQO
What's ahead and how to prepare as a shared mobility operator?
Demand and supply in shared mobility are changing faster than ever before. Opportunities for car and bike sharing operators are created by the ban of kick-scooters and a new level of cooperation between shared mobility operators and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) are required by many cities.
Michael knows about the evolution and relations in the shared mobility sector. Through numerous discussions with experts and by the release and development of software products. Based on this, he has been able to consult many operators and develop a suitable product strategy together with the MOQO team. Main requirements: scalability and design options for profitable business models, in this fast changing environment.
He shared his view on the status quo as well as the challenges and opportunities of the next 12 months.

Sophie Stigliano, Urban Standards
Upgrading the DNA of cities with sharing
Sophie Stigliano has been working on the future of urban mobility for over 15 years. She has been the director of Urban Standards GmbH since it was founded in 2015. Its mission is to renegotiate the relationship between mobility and urban development and to help investors develop integrated mobility solutions for neighborhoods and operate them with partners in the long term.
In her presentation, Sophie reported on where to start now and how to proceed in order to develop sustainably successful mobility offers - with a view to the future of cities.

Stefan Carsten, Mobility Expert
The future of mobility - Will shared mobility even reach the countryside?
Stefan Carsten is a futurologist, an urban development and mobility expert. During his time at Daimler, he designed the concept for the car sharing service Car2Go - at a time when free-floating car sharing was not yet a common term. To this day, he is considered a thought leader and advises players from all areas of the mobility industry.
What is the status quo of the mobility revolution? Can shared mobility also work in rural areas? Which concepts can work? Stefan answered these questions and more in his talk at the MOQO Summit.
Learning with each other in workshops
We learn best from each other. The interactive workshop formats provided plenty of opportunity for this.

How the Summit directly influences the MOQO product
In the “Product Lab” and at the “App Feedback Station”, participants had the opportunity to provide feedback on new platform features and the MOQO app and discuss this directly with our product team.
The feedback collected now forms the basis for future changes and developments, and the first improvements have already been implemented.

Let's continue to drive innovation and collaboration
The MOQO Summit 2024 proved once again how important personal exchange within the industry is. After all, mobility does not change on its own - we must (continue to) work together.
We are already looking forward to seeing you again next year.